The program checks that the program has adequately identified the user running the program and has created all of the necessary directories for that user to process frames correctly.
By default, these are all stored in the primary NFS share being read from the primary store server. For all live demo purposes and the purpose of this paper, user directories are stored in /mnt/SLURM
Directory structure is important to note as the final release of the software will allow for configurable home directory information. This will be implemented by setting Ansible flags to pull the stored user information and incorporate it through the full loop.
If the user has used the Cerberus conversion program before, this will wipe any previous queus. This is necessary if the user has run any batches before, whether they have been completed or not.
Arguably the most important menu entry. Selecting this will run the Cerberus converter. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT 1+2 BE RUN BEFORE STARTING THE PROGRAM.
This will display the program's man page.
Checks the current directories to make sure adequate disk space is available.
This is only for ADMIN use. Updates all of the repos and the server to make sure all repos are in sync.
Checks to see what nodes are up and connected to Cerberus. This is very handy because it allows the user to manually test what nodes are connected and see how many cores are up and available for use.
Run the full diagnostic loop [FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY]
Allows the user to choose their selected LUT for image processing. [REQUIRED TO RUN]
The LUT's contained within Cerberus will be covered in the following section.
Exits the program back to the terminal.